onsdag 1. juni 2011

Norse energy: 50k acres in west

Some Dec/database searches... this is the status on oil and gas drilling that I found..
Companies that have applied for oil or gas wells in Cattaraugus (greater/equal than ) 1/1/2011
McCracken, Carl A. III
U S Energy Development Corp.  
Case Brothers Inc.  
Burlingame, Leonard L
Reiss, Kenneth G.
Interco Energy Development Corp  
Copper Ridge Oil, Inc.  
McKellpee Energy Corp.  
Little, Jay R.  
Pan Energy Company, Inc.  
Snyder Brothers, Inc.  
OIL well
well drilled since 1/1/2010: 117               mostly Upper Devonian (only oil development)
new permits since 1/1/2011: 75                mostly Upper Devonian

Gas wells
Marcellus: 3 expired permits
many Medina wells are active

Companies that have applied for oil or gas wells in Allegany (greater/equal than ) 1/1/2011
U S Energy Development Corp
Otis Eastern Service, Inc.  
Plants & Goodwin, Inc.  
Zlomek, John  
Benson Oil Co.  

OIL well
well drilled since 1/1/2010  13             Upper Devonian, Fulmer Valley, Richburg (only oil development)
new permits since 1/1/2011 17            Upper Devonian, Fulmer Valley, Richburg

Gas wells
Marcellus: 2 wells are drilled 2500-2800ft
many gas wells that are drilled in Richburg, Fulmer Valley, Upper Devonian, Oriskany

Companies that have applied for oil or gas wells in Steuben (greater/equal than ) 1/1/2011
Yahn & Yahn Inc
Nathan Petroleum Corp.

OIL well 
well drilled since 1/1/2010   9             Fulmer Valley (only oil development)
new permits since 1/1/2011 2           Fulmer Valley

Gas wells
Marcellus: there are 31 permits: most permits are expired, 13 are drilled and shut in a few active: depth are in range: 3500-5500 ft.
Black River: 8 active wells..