Norse shale: Utica/Marcellus 2010

Norse`s 2010 permits proposed for Utica in Madison they have expired but this illustrates the potential/depht and close to pipelines and infrastructure.

1: Mulligan 1-344  5813 ft  (Allready drilled in Potsdam 6343ft, Potsdam is below Utica!!)

2: Byler 1:              4720ft

Norse`s Utica permits in Chenango. The permits are expired.

1: Aarismaa 1 spudded 24th dec 2010, 6685ft pa 28/6-11

2:Kraviec 2-606  6356ft (Allready drilled in Potsdam 6578ft under Utica!!!)

3:Smyrna, todays herkimer drilling

Norse`s  2010 Marcellus expired permits in Chenango/Broome  indicates the potential
1: Klecha 3890ft
2:Anderson 4410ft
3Stone L 4300ft
4Norse west 4410 ft
5Norse east  4460ft
6Parker drilled vertical 2900ft
1:Thornhill 5100ft
2:Knapp 4950ft
3:Norse3 4550ft

All 12 shale permits are 80k gallon-frack vertical wells, that have expired from DEC, but they still have approvals from SRBC. (exp. 2015)

Above: map from SRBC.
two companies that have active/valid babyfracks, this might be an advantages in the shale permitting... ?

Norse 12
Gastem/Covalent 2 (purple)

NYS vs PA just to compare the difference between NYS & PA. The orange squares are wells.